18 mar 2008




Bajorrelieve 1 (Realizado en cemento).

Bajorrelieve 2 (Arcilla).

Basados en "La Venus del espejo" de Velázquez.

15 comentarios:

CML dijo...

Está muy bueno, seguí haciendo cosas lindas, para expresarte.

Unknown dijo...

muy integral tu trabajo esto esta muy brutal que buena obra

Demi dijo...

Hello! I can't understand a thing of what you whrite in here but it is a really good blog! I just encountered it, for we both like "Papillon"! Isn't it amazing??
Goodmorning from the other side of the planet...

Bloody Kisses dijo...

Carla c.m.l.: Gracias, sí, eso es lo único que importa!

Gen-00: Muchas gracias y bienvenido!

Demi: Thank you for your visit and comment! Yes, I really like that book, I have read it years ago, and it really shocked me!

Ναπoλέων dijo...

I' m sorry that, it seems, I am too aged to follow you.

Courage! anyway... The sculptures are semantic.


Unknown dijo...

Increíble adaptación!
Perdón mi ignorancia pero...
¿La hiciste vos?
¿Se puede colgar en la pared?
¿La vas a pintar?

Bren dijo...

hey q bueno andar por las esculturas tambien,,, me gusta mucho

Bloody Kisses dijo...

Ναπολέων: Hello! Thanks for your comments! But, why do you say you are too aged to follow me? ^_^

patto: Gracias! Sí, las hice yo, y el de cemento puede colgarse (tiene un alambre en la parte de atrás). El de arcilla, en cambio, está sujeto a un marco de formica maciza.
No creo que vaya a pintarlas, el primer bajorrelieve tiene una pátina sepia suave, sobre todo para que resalte el volumen. Tal vez algún día pase el geométrico a yeso! Y estaría bueno pintarlo...

bren: Muchas gracias!!

Ναπoλέων dijo...

My Dear "Bloody Kisses", good morning!
Before visiting your place, I had left the following comment at Demi's (tango-adentro.blogspot.com) place:
Please tell me, the aged one, what is a "bloody kiss" ???
Is it when you bite the other's lips or tongue???
Too vampiric for me...
Is it someting else??? Please, let me know.

which most possibly you have not read yet.

I do like your blog, it is very sensitive ...and sensational I may say... but... I am of the "Orfeo Negro" era.
Alias: My fourth child, a daughter, is exactly your age, my first, a son, is 41.

Thank you for your friendly reaction. I "discovered" another reason to follow an argentinian blog, yours: To learn some Spanish {Espagnol?}. I guess that my fair knowledge of Latin and French will help me to.
And you personally, please help me by writing your comments/messages to me in both languages.
Many thanks in advance.
Napoleon Al. Papadopoulos
Civil Engineer, 68

Jose C. M. dijo...

muy bueno y original!

Bloody Kisses dijo...

Ναπολέων: Hi! It's true, I haven't seen your first comment at Demi's blog... Well, to me, a bloody kiss means biting someone to suck the blood (a vampire's bite) but that's just what I think... I use that nickname because it is the title of Type O Negative's album, and song. (I love that band!)
*"Orfeo Negro"? Do you mean the film? I didn't know it, had to look for it at Google, and I saw a couple of scenes at Youtube... (Now I want to see it all!)
-I still don't think you are too aged to follow me... ^_^
Spanish: (I hope this is ok, my english is not perfect *_*)
Hola! Es cierto, no había visto tu primer comentario en el blog de Demi. Bueno, para mí, un beso sangriento significa morder a alguien para chuparle la sangre (una mordida de vampiro) pero es lo que pienso yo... Uso ese nickname/alias por el título del álbum y la canción de Type O Negative. (Amo a esa banda!)
*¿Orfeo Negro? ¿Te referís a la película? No la conocía, tuve que buscarla en Google, y ví un par de escenas en Youtube... (Ahora quiero verla entera!)
-Sigo pensando que no estás muy viejo para seguirme...

Bloody Kisses dijo...

Jose C. M.: Muchas gracias por pasarte, y por tu comentario!
Lo aprecio de verdad.
Nos hablamos!

Ναπoλέων dijo...

Dear bloody KISSES(*),
I thank you very much for your warm comment and the time you have spent to make it in 2 languages.
You'll see my progress in Spanish soon!

"Orfeo Negro" is a film which, both as a story and as a film, had many-many admirers in Greece by its time.
For years the "basic" song was one the favourites of greek youth, including me...

I am very happy that you liked it as well.

(*) Do you permit me to keep only the ...second?)

Here some bloggers write :) or :-) for "happy" and :( or :-( for "unhappy".
The meaning of *_* is "happy" and ^_^ "unhappy"?
If so, I daresay that I like yours more! There are far more expressive!

Lirium*Lilia dijo...

Muy bueno trabajos! Me gustó como resolviste el de arcilla. Aún así, en crudo, se notan bien los diferentes niveles. Besos.

Bloody Kisses dijo...

Ναπολέων: Yes, i know the :) or :( symbols, but I prefer to use the others, I like them more!
^_^ = A smiling face.
*_* = Eyes shut tight.

De Lirium: Gracias, sí, en el de arcilla hay más de mí, porque fue una "reinterpretación" de la Venus...